Friday, August 29, 2008

submissions round 3

as it says above. the final round of me doing these things. I've had enough.

from the 'static sample plot' on dwayne mcdffie's web domicile.

tear em apart if you like

these scans are all from crappy photocopies. i need a mustek, but first i need ta move, and then get some more money.

Monday, July 7, 2008

two more

1) pitch piece-goes with the wonky-angled action shot two posts down

2) An older piece. it wound up more classicist than i was hoping for.




this is some pretty rough lettering. I'd say with another pass I can crisp this up to print worthy. working in PS is probably faster tho..

Sunday, June 29, 2008

enough of that darkness

a memorial pic for a kid on satellite soda.

also, some other stuff.

time to stop overthinkin and do more. also time to figure out how to use my camera..

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

mmmwell hello!

been sans scanner for a good coupla months. more to come, once i figure out some logistics.

but for now this is it.

i hadta darken it because of some other, higher contrast stuff that kept the pencil from picking up better.

life updates next.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


so i think i'm gonna start updating this more regularly again, just to keep myself more productive, or at least in order to attend to that illusion.

any thoughts on the new face and header?

and this one's from my website, in case anyone wants to see the more finished stuff, or happens to have stumbled here from fistacuffs or somewhere else
